Welcome to my Apexphotos website.    Here you will find innovative and high quality travel, environmental, portraiture, landscape and urban images from all around the world.  From Bali to Beijing, San Francisco to Seville, here are collected over 200 of my best images from world-wide travels covering the last 30 years.

Follow the links below to browse thumbnails of these images or view them in higher resolution. You can also view slideshows and on-line portfolios of my images on international image libraries, find out more information or contact me directly to purchase images. Enjoy!

See and download 7000 of my images from Alamy: the world-leading stock image library, as well as premier libraries such as Corbis, Getty, Loop and Ecoscene.

Note: This website has been designed-  and is best viewed- at a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher